Koki Hirano
Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, he grew up in the midst of the city’s development and changes in public design triggered by the Sapporo Olympics. From an early age, he was interested in “things that roll” and “things that spin,” and immersed himself in daily experiments and crafts. Influenced by the pop art of Warhol and Lichtenstein, he aspired to become an illustrator. However, the fascination with design that was being revitalized in Tokyo led him to become a graphic designer, where he spent many busy days.

Since 1990, he has been creating collages based on Chinese characters and Japanese images, and has since expanded his work to include video and computer graphics.

In 2018, he started to materialize “Spin World”, which is an evolution of “spinning things” that he was fascinated with as a child. Incorporating Zen and minimalist thinking, he simplifies the structure and focuses on the nature of existence in rotation and repetition. In recent years, he has begun to make videos of minimal art.

“He continues to pursue the possibilities of minimal art expression under the themes of “repeating change and return,” “connected by harmony,” and “reaction and change of mind.

平野功喜 Koki Hirano

2018年より幼少の頃に夢中になった「回転するもの」を進化させた「回るアート-Spin World-」の具体化をはじめる。禅やミニマリズムの思考を取り入れ、構造をシンプルにするとともに、回転、繰り返しにおいての存在の性質に着目する。近年はミニマルアートの動画化に着手。

2018年10月 個展「回るアート展」 CAFE ESQUISSE
2019年5月 展示「花めぐり」札幌東武ホテル b’s Kafé
2019年8月 個展「夏まわる」Cafe the Loft
2019年12月 個展「まわしもの」JB MORIHICO.